Ok...so every year, at the end of the year, I decide to make calendars for the next year, and I always wish that I had "themed" photos for each of the months to use on the calendars. I decided that I am going to try to get these monthly "themed" photos done this year if possible. For the month of February, I am obviously trying to capture a photo that SCREAMS Valentine's Day...so the little girls and I had a little shoot this morning. Grace and Russell will have to get their turn this weekend. I thought they turned out kinda fun...I realize they are maybe a little over the top VALENTINE...but that's exactly what I wanted! Picture a Green Saint Patrick's Day shoot, a fun pastel Easter shoot etc...I think it will be really fun to use for next years calendar!
and BTW...the suckers are from the Target Dollar Section (bought them a long time ago...you have to get that stuff way early and plan ahead, or it's all gone). I did see some cute fluffy pink marshmallow suckers at Target just last week though...just not in the dollar section. The suckers worked like a charm! The girls were so happy...and I can't remember the last time I got this many good shots...even if their little faces and hands got super sticky!

I love Lily's sneaky little smile behind the sucker on this next photo...