Warmer weather means more photo taking for me...thus the long post of photos for the month of April. Believe it or not, this was narrowing it down! I love to photograph all of the spring blossoms, and of course, capture all of the spring happenings on our farm.
Highlights from this month: My baby sister, Shelby, got engaged!!! David and Russell both had birthdays, we finished planting all of our spring wheat and barley, and planted and cultivated our potato crops. We adopted two new baby goats, Benny & Bea. We even had a nice Idaho spring snow storm that covered everything in about 4" of wet snow, and then we went right back to nice spring weather. We had a wonderful Easter, filled with egg hunts, Easter baskets, family picnics, and even new bikes for Lily and Kate. I repainted Grace's bedroom and surprised her while she was out of town at a fiddle contest, and I surprised David with an overnight trip to Jackson for his birthday. David, Grace, and I made strawberry freezer jam to stock up the freezer. We started hiking/walking in the hills behind home in the mornings, and as always, we've spent plenty of time playing outside and enjoying our pets, each other, and the beautiful weather.