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April 04, 2016



Hello Kate! My sandals are Saltwater Sandals :)

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Hi there! Loving your blog, this looks de-lish. Can I ask what brand your red and blue sandals are in the banner at the top of the page?
Kind regards from freezing Yorkshire.


Im sure it wouldnt hurt to add in a little baking soda, but I have never added any, and my bread always rises wonderfully

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CAN WE USE BAKING SODA for it to rise? My dough doesn't rise of I don't use baking soda.


Very happy to see you back! I've missed the foodie inspiration (especially your bread recipes...) and the lovely photography. And the farm and family life, too. Hooray!

Jenn C

This looks amazing! I can't wait to make it - most likely this weekend! Thank you for sharing. :)

Lisa Johnson

I am so THRILLED that you are blogging again. :)
I didn't know you had an instagram account, and since I FINALLY joined instagram a few months ago I'll start following you there. :)

Tamara Asher

So glad you're back blogging. You're an inspiration to many.

Little Quiltsong

Thank you for sharing these delicious recipes. It is so great to read your blog again.

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