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October 03, 2013



Beautiful KIDS, family photos.
They look happy and loved!!


You all have the BEST time no matter if it is on vacation, being at home or even working! Love it!


your photos are great! Probably a dumb question, but how do you do the layout of these photos for your blog?


Wonderful photos looks like everyone works so hard! I tried growing potatoes this year in my mini garden but to no avail :( The feeding of everyone amazes me. How do you organize all of this, all meals or just lunch? What is your menu?


Love your photos and farm life in general! Great pictures! Love how its always a hard working family event and always together!

ellen patton

I love your photos!


Fabulous photos ! Thanks for sharing your harvest with us !


I wonder which photo is your this year's favorite one


I love all the photos, what a great family you have and I love how you all farm together! The puppies pulling Graces hair is adorable!
Your Russ looks so much like my Jonah (#2) did when he was little!

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