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April 23, 2013


Mary Ann Herzog

Hi Sherella, Your post is the most delightful to see! All the pictures show a pouring out of fresh ideas, love, happy children. You are bringing up children in the all American way teaching about the simple things to enjoy. I wish more people would bring up their children the way you do showing them how to be creative. I see in your pictures the happiest children ever. Way to go girl...you got it right! Thanks for sharing.


Oh what a nice greenhouse!! Your girls are such good helpers and cute!! Do you like the green hose??


Impressive greenhouse!

Not much sun to enjoy here lately, still have snow on the ground!

Chad Greene

Would love to see an expanded post on your greenhouse. This is something we are considering soon. I'm just confused on which ones are the best. And how to keep one running with out it getting to how your cold, etc. Any advice, books, or website to help?


We ordered the tree online...I believe it was from Stark Brothers or Miller Nurseries. They have all sorts of dwarf trees.

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lori jolley

where did you get your lemon tree? I want an indoor lemon or orange tree soooo bad but I can't find anyone local that has them.
My seedlings are starting in my greenhouse, too, and I started some more herbs this week. Love having a greenhouse!

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