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February 19, 2013



Thank you!


I've been a scrapbooker for 25+ years, but I can't get the hang of ProjectLife! These are really helpful!


Thank you so very much for these awesome templates.


These look fabulous! Am so excited to start with the whole digi-scrapbooking thing! Thank you for sharing these!

Marissa Soto

Thank you for sharing your work, I liked the templates.

Greetings from Puerto Varas, Chile.




THANK YOU! These are so appreciated!!

Sue W

Thank you so much, I'm looking forward to some digital scrapping whilst "the boss" and I travel for a few months :)


I am new to this. how do i use your templets? [email protected]

Linda P.

Thank you, These are great!

Marie-Hélène à Madrid

Thank you for share. kiss from Spain
Helena de Madrid


Im so glad youre enjoying the templates Elizabeth!!!

Sent from my iPhone

Elizabeth Dean

Thank you for posting these for free. I just started digital scrapbooking/project life and wasn't sure how much money I wanted to invest. With these templates you've let me play around with a lot of different ideas before I decide if this is for me. Between flipping them and rotating them they are more than a dozen templates using these five. Once I make something with one I'll email it to you.


Thank you for the nice templates


Thank you for sharing!


Thank you so much for sharing these, Sherelle! Love them! Just not sure how to place them within the layers?? Would you be interested in adding a tutorial on how to use them?

crystal beutler

Do you know of a tutorial somewhere that shows how to use these? I have experience in photoshop, but not with these.

Thanks! Excited to get going on project life!!


Thank you so much for this templates! Now I'm so ready for 2014 PL.


I love your layouts! Thank you for sharing the templates! Although I can't seem to open no 4.


These are fantastic - thanks so much!
:) Mags


Thank you for sharing!


Your pictures are beautiful! What kind of paper do you use for photo book? I also want to make one for the family:) Thanks!

bedroom furniture

great man :D


thank you so much


Thanks so much!

jen jensen

thank you for sharing!

laura maxell

these are wonderful! thank you so much for your hard work and for sharing :)


Love them. Thank you so much for sharing!


Thanks so much for the templates! I love them and can't wait to use them.

Liz Peebles

Thank You for sharing


Thank you!!!

Dayami Lauzurique

Yippieee!!! Thanks!!!


Thank you for sharing these layouts... they are awesome. I'm also not quite sure how to use them... thought I could just copy my pictures into the but that doesn't seem to be working.


Thanks Sherelle! I have a question. The title has "Digital Photo Book" in it. Does this mean that once you've finished the layout you're able to upoad it to a website/online company that creates digital photo books?

Thanks! Beautiful as always.

Brenda Walker

Thank you so much. I am excited to add these to the other ones I already use of yours.


Awesome! THankyou for sharing Sherelle!!


do you have some instructions on how to use these for beginners? I use PSE 7..sorry. really excited to use them just not sure where to start


Thanks for sharing! I'm super excited to use these!


I fixed the links Rachel...they should be working now :)

Sherelle Christensenwww.sherellechristensen.typepad.com

To: [email protected]


I fixed some of the links Adrienne...Im not sure what happened, but they should all be working now :)

Sherelle Christensenwww.sherellechristensen.typepad.com

To: [email protected]


You are awesome to share this! Thank you so much!

Rachel Berry

I too downloaded them and all were fine except 3 & 5. They show up as template #4.....

Thanks for sharing your awesomeness!!


thank you thank you thank you!! I can't wait to start using these other templates! Though I am having a problem downloading. They are all opening up as template 4. Am I doing something wrong or is there a chance they were all downloading the same?

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