1. Riding in the Ranger with June 2. Russell & Carson showing off their muscles and having a sleepover 3. Kate falling asleep on the couch 4. Playing on the icy canal 5. My embroidery project I've been working on 6. Lily lost her very first tooth...and the tooth fairy came 7. Rubber boots 8. Grandpa and Grace working on some guitar chords 9. Party at Rupe's Burgers after the kids' basketball games 10. more "ice skating" on the canal 10. Grace downloaded the Stachmatic app on my phone 11. cowboy boots 12. Shelby giving Grace a guitar lesson 12. Shelby stayed with us all weekend 13. Grace and I playing wtih Stachmatic 14. David and Russell building a tin can robot
I'm feeling under the weather today...not sure why, but I am just not feeling well at all today. I took a long nap and spent a bit of time uploading photos from this weekend. I'm hoping tomorrow I will have my energy back to start the week ;) Hope you've all had a wonderful weekend!
Oooh. That's a very pretty collage. My daughter lost her first tooth recently as well. And yeah, the tooth fairy came and gave her a dollar too. =)
Posted by: Jenna Schrock | February 20, 2012 at 08:13 AM
Great pictures. Very sweet. Love the little ones and how cute they are. Ours grew up on our farm and boy do we miss them. They are grown. Seeing your pictures makes me miss that crazy hectic busy life! Hahaha...can't believe I admitted that but I do.
Posted by: Debbie | January 31, 2012 at 06:14 PM
Look likes a wonderful weekend. Hope you are feeling better :-)
Posted by: Eileen | January 30, 2012 at 10:32 AM
Looks like everyone had fun! Hope you feel better Sherelle!
Posted by: JeanneP | January 30, 2012 at 01:17 AM
Love all the small photos. Hope you're feeling better tomorrow. The icy canal looks fun!!
Posted by: Heather McDonald | January 29, 2012 at 06:02 PM