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September 15, 2010



Sherrel - thank you so much for sharing your recipes. This was my first time canning and
And I enjoyed making the spaghetti sauce ,pizza sauce and will be making the salsa and stewed tomatoes next ! Many blessings to you and your family. God bless


Thank you so much. You have no idea how much it's helping this 1st time canner. :-) I am so going to try your way. Thanks again!

Raymond Dean White

I never thought about dehydrating the tomato skins to make tomato powder. I just composted them. I usually add diced bell or sweet banana peppers from my garden as well as diced garlic.


The tomato skins can be dehydrated to make tomato powder, which can be used to thicken and add tomato flavor to all sorts of dishes.

Kay Sturgeon

I am going to give your canning tomatoes a go. Incidentally I called my daughter Sharelle when she was born in 1975 I made the name up myself. I was instantly drawn to her posts due to the similar name thing and was amazed at all your recipes.

Kim sinclaire

This was so informative! I felt like a good friend was with me every step of the way:)


I so want to start canning, After reading this I think I can do it. Now just to go grow those tomatos.....


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Jill Scott

Thanks for the recipe, Sherelle. I can't wait to try it. :)

Josie Landon

That sounds good, Misty!

Thanks again for sharing, Sherelle!

Misty Castleton

One of my favorite childhood memories is my mom's tomato gravy. Add butter to a pan, melt, add flour to make thick (or make a little paste with flour and milk and add), add pureed tomatoes (your stewed would work), then season with salt, pepper, and garlic salt. Pour over homemade toast with butter. YUM-MY! Good after school snack!

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