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June 25, 2010


gloria elswood

I too cannot believe you have ripe tomatoes and cucumbers. Can you share your secrets?


I can't believe you already have ripe tomatoes! When did you plant??

Jill Scott

I can't believe you already have ripe tomatoes in Idaho! Do you have a greenhouse or is it just your green thumb. I'm jealous over here in IF.

Jalane Christiansen

I would LOVE to be your neighbor :P Your blog is my very favorite and everytime I see you have updated I get dang excited! I want to be like you when I grow up :)


I have a small veggie garden (I'm in charge of the veggie lot at my co-op) and visited yesterday. My, but this week of sunshine and rain made the plants go wild-lol! I' looking forward to the yellow toms that will ripen first - they are soo yummy and are simply gorgeous in a salad.
Bon jardinier!


I miss having my own garden! Simply cannot beat the taste of home grown veggies!! Love your scale!

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