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February 11, 2010



These are adorable....but I was going to say the same thing about the gun theme. Maybe it depends on the community, and you seem like you're in a more rural area. I teach 2nd grade in the suburbs and I know for sure this would not be permitted in my school...there is a very strict policy about this kind of thing.


LOL!!! I absolutely LOVE this for my hubby!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!!

Ali Hermanson

I love this idea but was just curious if anyone ran into trouble with the "gun theme" at school.I know at halloween our kids aren't even allowed to wear costumes to school that contain any weapons of any sort. I would love to make these for my son's class but a little nervous about what the teachers, etc. may say.
Cowgirl @ <3,

Melissa T

Thank you, Sherelle!!!!!!!!!!


I reposted the image so you can download :)

Sherelle Christensen

To: [email protected]

Melissa T

This post has seen a resurgence on pintrest! I'm so happy to have found your blog because of it! Would you consider rehosting the template for this??? Pretty please :):):)


I would LOVE this template!! I won't download for some reason...could you send it to me? thanks so much!

Jennifer Barnes

Sherelle, I love your blog and think you are amazing. I had saved this and thought it would be great for my kids. Now that I am trying to download it Im having a hard time. Could you send me the template by chance?
I would really appreciate it!


it's darling, Sherelle! What a fun idea!

April Walkley

You are so amazing...too darn cute! Thanks for the download. If only someday I could be like you! You are so generous, this would be rally cute for a birthday too!

heather garl

Very cute idea!


I was so happy to have found this on your blog and just in time! My twin boys completely loved it and they didn't even mind that the gun was pink :-)

Shelly B.

Cute, cute, CUTE! Thanks Sherelle!


thank you thank you! These will be great for next year!


I love the holster valentine's! Super fun!! I also LOVE the flower hair bows you made for your girls!! What's the secret!?! I just love looking at your blog!


thanks for the download! that is too cute.


Thank you, it's super cute! Your girls are adorable!


I don't often comment but always stop by to see your beautiful photos. I did want to say that I love your Valentine idea, it's very clever.


THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! you are so creative! Thank you for the download...still dying over the girls hair and outfits....too cute! :)

Tara Powell

What a clever little Valentine!
Thanks for the download!


Those are sooo Cute!!! You are so talented!!!


Thanks for the download. What a cute idea....I'll have to use this for my son next year.


I love this idea!

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