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July 28, 2009



You seriously have the life! I'm so jealous. But wonder, how in the world you do it all!? Do you have more hours in a day than I do?! You are absolutely amazing! at everything! love LOVE your blog. :)


Wow! Your pictures are beautiful!! Thanks for letting me stop in!!
Hopping along..!!


STUNNING photos! (Love that dress... and the waggon... WOW! Plus - she's cute as a button!)

Dana Tatar

Your pictures are stunning. What a beautiful family.

sherree kelbel

What beautiful amazing pictures you are so talented.


Great photos. But is this where we comment for the blog hop?

Penny Smith

HI! GREAT pictures!
You are on the Adorn it blog hop list, so here I am stoppin' by!
Great photos!!

Tara Powell

I am a first time visitor to your blog and I LOVE it! It truly is a breath of fresh air. I think I will tell my husband I am ready to move to a farm when he gets home today LOL
Your photographs are unbelievable, what kind of camera do you use?

lorraine lewis

Gorgeous photographs. Your model is quite the cutie!


so sweet! great shots - as always!


Your pictures are simply amazing. Beautiful work.


Beautiful Lily!!! love the last one!

Alison Behan

I loved looking through all the new pics, all pretty and whimsical. Then I came across the last one, well, I laughed out loud! Miss Lily is a funny little thing :-). I just thought to myself, thank God Sherelle has one too!! I have two living in my house (both boys :-0)

Love catching up on how you are spending your summer. It's SO different from here and I love being NOSEY!!!! LOL ;-)


i love the new look of your blog. your pictures are perfect for the farm fresh theme! i have been a huge fan of yours for quite a while, can't remember how i came across your site but it was around the time where you had that skunk (was it?) in that huge tunnel on your property and you had to go in after it, i laughed so hard reading about it. anyways, thank you for sharing your life, talents and great pictures of your family and farm life! i just really enjoy your blog.


She is such a doll!!! Keep these comin', love them.

Country Cookin' Mama

Such a cute dress and Lily is such a cutie with the attitute! She must have tough little feet to be standing on the rock road without shoes! Brandon would so do something like that.


Lily's vintage pictures are just adorable! My fave is the one with the hands on the hips!!


My favorite are the (stick on?) earings! My Emma LOVES those.


Love that last one!


You are amazing. I have to tell you that Madi still remembers Lily, she even remembers her personality. Out of the blue she will say 'that is so Lily'. She asks all the time - when are we going to see your friend with the girl named Lily? I love your work and am so inspired by your example. Thank you for sharing.

michelle from montana

Lily is my favorite! What a Gem she seems to be! Full of vim and vigor!


These are a lovely set of photos, she looks so grown up in them and very cute. All of the photos you have taken are just lovely and it has been wonderful to see the fun you are having this Summer. I have to wait a little while for Summer since I am in Winter here in Australia but not a true Winter like you, we don't have much snow down here. Smiles Catherine

Erin Turley

Sherelle, I have to tell you that I have seriously enjoyed your pictures this summer sooo much! I spent weeks in Idaho with my brother in ICU and I could check blogs on my cell phone as I sat with him as he was in a coma. Because of moving once again I wasn't able to plant a garden this year and I have been seriously coveting yours and all of your beautiful flowers! But, your blog has seriously been a ray of light in a very difficult time! Thank you! And I absolutely LOVE the vintage pictures of you and Shelby! Absolutley beautful! I'll be coming back and forth a lot to help my family and we need to get together with your Mom and Bonnie and go to lunch! It would be fun to catch up! Tell Shelby I think she is a beautiful girl! Thanks again! Erin

Ellen Patton

I love all your vintage photos!


AH! So cute! Sherelle you may have inspired me...AGAIN... My mom has a lot of vintage dresses that I may have to sport Maddy in for some fun. I guess another trip to Idaho is required...:)Darn it!

Melissa Wells

Oops, sorry, I noticed after I hit the post button that I spelled Lily's name wrong!

Melissa Wells

Wow Sherelle, these are gorgeous!!! And Lilly...she is growing up so quickly. And the hands on the little hips, well that's just priceless:-) And guess what I have finally started my blog. I'll send you the address through Facebook. Have a wonderful evening, Melissa

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