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February 16, 2009


Alicia King

what fun! I totally had a big day planned for Valentines...and then I was sick, and I didn't do anything :( oh well, next year!

Margee" (Grandmom)

Congrats to Grace!
The kids looked like they had a great time at the Valentine party.
Great pics.

Jodie Reimink

O.K. I have to ask...where do you get all of the cute clothes that your kiddo's wear? Especially all of the plain colored items that you add your fun/crafty touches too? (i.e. cute red skirt w/ trim w/ matching red pants, white shirts, easter t-shirts, etc.) You are a crafting inspiration! Thanks--

Sami Jo Melton

I sure love your blog here Sharelle. You are so talented, your kids are adoreable and the overall feel of your blog is super bright and fun! Thanks for sharing all the V-day Pics. The Lady of the House - herhousehold.blogspot.com

Jana Eubank

Yay! for Grace and Shelby! I can't wait to see the video! I love fiddlers! Those Valentine pics are too cute! Looks like everyone had a great time!

Melissa Wells

Oh my goodness.....I promise I do know how to spell and how to type!!! You just can't tell from my previous post!!! lol

Melissa Wells

Congrats Grace and Shelby!!! Whhatan accomplishment. And on top of all of that you both looked gorgeous:-) And those shirts on the girls......where on earth did you find those!!?!! Sherelle, I'm just going to send money out to you and have you be my personal shopper for the girls!! He He I know there are shops out there (oops, wasn't trying to make it sound like you lived someplace foreign!! he he) that we do not have here in the Indiana/Kentucky area! Have a great evening:-)


Congratulations to Grace and Shelby!


Congrats to the girls! oh talking about playing makes me want to pick mine up so bad! I took fiddle classes back in the day...and was in orchestra all during school. So fun and such a good thing to have your kids into. I am so proud of Grace! She is just so beautiful... and talented!
I love the valentines pictures. How fun to let the kids just go to town decorating their cookies. You have the cutest kids!


Way to go Grace! Sounds like she inherited her mama's talented personality! And mmmm, kate's cookies look oh so yummy:)


Congratulations Grace! That is awesome! Big accomplishment!

Where did you get those cute flower shirts (Grace's and the little girls...) they are so CUTE!


Way to Grace and Shelby! Thats awesome. Me and my sis used to play a long time ago and I know there is some amazing competition out there...so bravo!!! Also love all the cute pics...expecially the "kid cookies". Looks just like my kidlets cookie making skills.


I log onto your blog just to see all your fun pictures and to get ideas for my kiddos. I do have a question, I noticed you use typepad, I have blogger right now and feel really limited to the amount of pictures I add and such. I went on to typepad to look at it and there are several different options, what option do you have with all the pictures you upload? If you don't mind me asking? I think I am wanting to make a change, but what made you decide on typepad? Did you have one on blogger before? Please email me if you have a second. [email protected]

Deb Wisker

Congrats to Grace!! Great cookies-talk about a sugar high!LOL!!

Terri Paulson-Sasaki

Congratulations! You sound very proud of Grace and you should be. I love the girl's shirts, they are so cute.

debi @ life in my studio

WooHoo!! Congratulations Grace!

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